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Two Carbon County men arrested in child porn cases

Two Carbon County men were among 16 people arrested by the Office of the Attorney General’s Child Predator Section in the past two weeks. The announcement was made in Scranton this morning by Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane. The AOG’s office was working in conjunction with multiple law enforcement agencies.

The law enforcement agencies dispatched agents across northeastern Pennsylvania as part of an ongoing investigation into the online sharing of child pornography and online advertisements relating to the sexual exploitation of children.

Grant G. Harris of Carbon County was charged with three counts of distribution of child pornography, 25 counts of possession of child pornography and one count of criminal use of a communication facility.

Christopher James Devosa, Carbon County, is charged with: five counts of distribution of child pornography, 50 counts of possession of child pornography, and one count of criminal use of a communication facility.

“I appreciate the work of our Child Predator Section and the law enforcement agents from the Lackawanna County DA’s office, the Pennsylvania State Police, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and the Scranton, Dunmore and Carbondale Police Departments,” Kane said. “We deliver on our promise to track, flush out, and prosecute criminals who hurt our kids.”

Since taking office in 2013, Kane’s Child Predator Section has made almost 300 arrests, 26 of which occurred in the first six weeks of 2015.

Suspected child predators can be reported by calling the Child Predator Hotline at 800-385-1044. People who suspect an online predator or child sexual abuse can also send an anonymous tip to the office by texting PAKIDS + YOUR TIP to 847411.