This pasta has panache
Want some penguins in your pasta?
Planning a pirate or princess themed party and want to add a little pizazz to your pasta salad?With the cold weather here, what about adding a palm tree paradise to your mac and cheese?If you answered yes to any of these suggestions, why not purchase some Fun Pasta from the Summit Hill Heritage Center's newest fundraising endeavor.The event, which is all online at the Fun Pasta website, is open now until March 31, and the group hopes to raise $1,000. The heritage center will receive 40 percent of all sales.Debra Ranck, chairwoman of the heritage center board, said the fundraiser will help the center purchase new equipment for the Summer Food Service Free Lunch program for Panther Valley area children."Our equipment that keeps the food warm is old and has been used hard," she said. "We need some new equipment. Plus, we now have to buy our own digital thermometers because the state no longer provides them."In addition to equipment, the money raised will help cover costs for plates, sporks, napkins and snacks that are used during the program. Additional money is received through the state after the program is operating for a month, which covers food items that the children receive.Ranck said the lunch program, which is open to all children up to seniors in high school regardless of economic status, serves approximately 100 lunches a day at the program's three locations Christ's Redeemer Church in Coaldale, Grace Community Church in Lansford and the heritage center in Summit Hill."Our lunches are healthy," she said, noting that lunches are served every day in the summer except the Fourth of July.Last year, nearly 4,800 meals were served throughout the summer months, and Ranck said those meals would have not been possible without the community's help between volunteering and donating.For more information on the heritage center and its community activities, visit Head:How to order your pastaOrdering from Fun Pasta is simple.Visit and type in "Summit Hill" in the search box.The center's fundraising page "Summit Hill Heritage Center," will appear in the results.Once you select the group, shop away through dozens of pasta choices.Orders are shipped directly to you within three to five days, and there is free shipping for orders over $75.