Schuylkill Township website available
Go to you do, you'll find information on meeting schedules, local ordinances and zoning regulations, the office building schedule and more as the site continues development.Supervisor Chuck Fayash accepted the task late last year. During a meeting Wednesday, he said that the site "is up and running" and will continue to evolve.Chairman Charles Hosler said the supervisors have finalized an agreement with PPL to participate in its e-power program. The township will upgrade the lighting in the township building and garage, with PPL covering 85 percent of the cost.The cost to upgrade the interior building lighting is $1,966, with the township responsible for $424; the cost to upgrade the garage lighting is $1,892, with the township paying $223. The township's total cost, about $647, will be recovered within a year due to energy savings, Hosler said.During the meeting, Fayash made two motions which were tabled. He first asked that township employee Joe Pedron, a street department laborer, get a raise of $1.50 per hour. Fayash said Pedron told him that he hasn't received a raise in five years.Fayash also made a motion that assistant secretary/treasurer Suzanne Apanavage's position be terminated. Apanavage was reappointed during the township's reorganizational meeting in January.Neither of Fayash's motions got a second, and supervisor Christine Verdier suggested that the motions be tabled until the next meeting.During public comment, resident Paul Benulis questioned the township's expenditure of approximately $2,600 to set up the garbage accounts with the QuickBooks program and transfer all related files. The cost was paid out of the garbage fund; the garbage fund was not previously in QuickBooks and was in a DOS program.Benulis said the expenditure had been done "off the books" and that he'd "like to get on the township computer and play around." Verdier suggested that Benulis submit a Right to Know request, and said the supervisors would "respond appropriately."Benulis also questioned the monies projected to be collected into the garbage account. He said he understood the need to keep money in the account as "a buffer" but said there is already enough of a buffer in the account. During the January meeting, responding to questions from Benulis, Hosler said in the 2015 budget, the garbage income amount is $90,000 and garbage expenses $85,000, leaving a $5,000 buffer."Are you going to rip us off again," Benulis asked the supervisors. "I have high hopes that the (yearly) garbage bill will be $167 or less."Residents presently pay $180 a year for garbage collection.