Published February 05. 2015 04:00PM
Blood driveThe Miller-Keystone Center will conduct a blood drive in memory of Mervin Miller at St. Katharine Drexel Church, 124 E. Abbott St. in Lansford from 1-6 p.m. on Feb. 16.Participants may walk in or can make an appointment by calling John Karnish at 570-645-3994.NesquehoningPanther Valley Senior CenterThe following are a listing of upcoming activities at the Panther Valley Senior Center, 90 E. Catawissa St., Nesquehoning.All activities begin at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted.Sign in by 10:30 a.m. for the next day's lunch.Thursday: Women's pool, men's cards.Friday: Minute to Win It.Monday: Name That Tune.Tuesday: Birthdays and Bingo.Wednesday: Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop.Feb. 12: Shopping, CCCT 9:30 a.m.Feb. 13: Valentine partyNew members are always welcome. Bring a friend!