Stores, residents prepare for storm
If you haven't stocked up on rock salt or purchased a snow removal device yet, you may want to think about it.
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm watch from Monday afternoon through Tuesday morning.NWS officials are calling it “one of the largest snow storms of the winter,” while predicting up to 16 inches of accumulation over the area.Similarly, AccuWeather forecasters said snow in the Lehighton area could range from 8-12 inches.Coming off a weekend storm that left over six inches of snow on the ground, hardware stores in the area have been keeping busy.“Everybody's out loading up said Phil Nuccio, of Marzen's Feed and Hardware in Lehighton.Marzen's has shovels and salt in stock for those last minute “preppers.” “We see a lot of our same customers who come in all the time, but we've been busy,” Nuccio said. 'Everyone's talking about it.”“It” is Juno, a coastal storm bringing snow from the Ohio Valley to the northeastern states.Precipitation could start late Sunday night and last into Tuesday.At Giant Food Store in Lehighton, customers were preparing for the worst.“This is my normal shopping day anyway, but you can definitely tell there is something coming judging by the checkout lines,” said Ernest Portwood, of Lehighton. “I think we always probably overreact, but when you could get a couple feet of snow, you have to assume you may not be able to get the things you need to get. And even when you can get out, sometimes you just don't want to if the weather is bad.”Even some who normally poke fun during the storm stock-up were concerned about the potential snowfall.“I'm usually the guy that says look at those nuts, but when you're talking feet instead of inches, you pick up another meal or two,” said Jeff Ward, of Forest Inn. “I guess that makes me a hypocrite, but I'm ok with that.”Employees at True Value Hardware in Nesquehoning noticed a difference on Sunday.“Selling a lot of shovels,” said Jessica Weise. “Our numbers are higher than normal and I'm sure we'll be busy tomorrow as well.”The store also has snow blowers in stock.Leslie Tripp, of Lehighton, said she was going into Lowe's Home Improvement store to look for a shovel, knowing her chances of getting a snow blower at this stage of the game were slim.“I doubt they have any left or any that aren't claimed,” she said.For some, however, no forecast is going to do the trick. “Seeing is believing,” said Calvin Shook, of Lehighton, on the Times News' Facebook page.