Published January 24. 2015 07:28PM
In spite of a fast response by area firefighters an East Brunswick Township home was destroyed by flames Saturday afternoon.
The fire was first reported just before 1 p.m. in the basement area of a home along Indian Run Road.
When firemen arrived on scene they found themselves with a true uphill battle. The dwelling sits off the road about a half mile with a one lane dirt driveway which was covered with ice.
Only one truck made it up the drive near the home with the others stationed at the bottom of the drive on Indian Run Road.
Firefighters took on the task of trying to drag a 5-inch line up the drive which was all but impossible with the conditions. A utility truck was then used to drag the line to within several hundred feet of the burning home which was then connected to a 2 ½ inch line.
The home was a total loss.