Published January 21. 2015 04:03PM
Christmas is over. The winter doldrums may have set in. Need a midwinter picker-upper? The Palmerton Area Library Art Show and Lunch comes to the rescue.
From noon to 2:30 p.m. Sunday, come view and purchase work by local artists and enjoy a delicious lunch, thanks to the Friends of the Library, which is sponsoring the event at the library, 402 Delaware Ave.If you're an artist, it's not too late to submit your work for the show. No more than three pieces per artist are allowed to be entered. Pieces must be framed and ready to hang with a wire on the back. Paintings should be delivered to the library no later than noon Thursday.Each artist may set a price on each work at the time of registration. If the work sells, the library keeps 20 percent and the artist receives 80 percent of the selling price.Work not sold the day of the show will remain on display for two weeks, at which time the artist must return to the library to pick up unsold items. (Work may be picked up the day of the show after 2:30 p.m. if the artist makes this known to the library.)There is no entry fee for artists to display their work. Tickets to attend the show and have lunch are $6 each.If you have any questions, contact the library at 610-826-3424.
LINDA KOEHLER/TIMES NEWS Art work, like this oil painting of the Mauch Chunk railroad station by Margie Long, can be viewed and purchased at the Palmerton Area Library's Art Show and Lunch, sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Library Director Diane Danielson says it is a great way to spend a winter's Sunday afternoon.