Thanks to community for support
Dear Editor,
On Dec. 7, a fire destroyed the home of our son, Jereme Denning and his family, as well as the home of their next-door neighbors, Pete and Ida Kutash.The devastating loss for both families has been overwhelming, but despite all that, we can't help but feel blessed, for only by the grace of God did Jereme and his family, Jodi's grandmother Illomay Nelson and their neighbors escape without a scratch nothing short of a miracle!There are so many people in our community family members, friends and neighbors who we want to thank for their generous support. It's hard to even know where to begin to find adequate words of appreciation to all who have assisted us in so many meaningful ways.Let me begin with Dec. 7 when the fire began the response from the firefighters was incredible MaryD Fire Company, Tuscarora Fire Company, Brockton, Tamaqua, Coaldale, Hometown, New Ringgold, Port Carbon, New England, Marlin, Kaska and Cumbola.I can't say enough for all their efforts and the incredible danger they place themselves in to save lives and properties in their community.Thank you, each and every one, for your efforts and service, and may God's presence keep you safe in your future efforts. Special thanks to Dalton and Ryan (junior firefighters with MaryD) who ran between family members repeatedly that night providing support and encouragement as we watched the flames destroy our homes.Special thanks to the Rev. Harold Hand, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Pottsville for his presence, support and prayers throughout the evening and thereafter; to neighbors who gathered blankets, shoes and clothing for the families; to Andrew Leibenguth who seemed to be everywhere assisting with accessing water, coffee and sandwiches for firefighters, accessing rock salt to cover the frozen water that coated the roads, for notification of the Salvation Army and Red Cross, and whatever else was needed.He does an incredible job to meet the needs of an emergency situation. Thank you so much, Andy!Our special thanks to Angela and Keith Krapf for organizing a benefit spaghetti dinner on Dec. 14 and to Tommy Bartasavage who organized a five-band concert benefit at Lakeside Ballroom on Dec. 27 and to all who assisted and supported these benefits.We'd like to express our appreciation to the Red Cross and Salvation Army for their immediate response of assistance at the scene and thereafter; to Trinity Lutheran Church, Pastor Hand, Vicar Chris and the members of our congregation for their many contributions; to MaryD Fire Company members, especially Matt Rudy and Ron Novack for their assistance; MaryD Fire Company Auxiliary members for your generosity and support; to Tuscarora Fire Company for organizing the fire truck parade and Santa visit for the kids on Dec. 21.They were so excited with that activity and they're still talking about it! Thank you all so much for everything.We'd also like to thank Helen and Chris Verdier who graciously opened their home to Pete and Ida, providing emergency shelter during the fire and keeping them safe and comfortable.And to all our neighbors, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and others who we haven't even met, we just want to thank you all for the generous outpouring of donations, Christmas gifts for the children, support of benefit activities and all the shared tears, hugs, prayers and other acts of kindness during this past month.There's no way we can begin to fully express our appreciation adequately enough, but please know your overwhelming response and support has helped our family begin to pick up the pieces of their lives and begin the healing process. God bless you all!P.S. If we inadvertently omitted anyone, please forgive us. Our thoughts and prayers of gratitude extend to all.Joe and Brenda Denningfor Jereme, Jodi,Destini and JacobDenningTamaqua