Published January 10. 2015 09:00AM
The Palmerton Camera Club recently held its Salon Photography Competition.
Its theme was nature, according to camera club member Roger Smith.There were 17 Class A color, 12 Class A black and white, 19 Class B color, and 10 Class B black and white entries.The winners for the Color Photograph Awards are as follows.Class APaul Sell, Mohawk Falls Ricketts Glen, first placeBob Reinhart, Hawk, second placeBob Reinhart, Pink Trilluim, third placeKris Minnich, SPLASH!, honorable mentionConnie Reinhart, Devil's Pulpit, judges choiceClass BStacey Hines, Squirrel Enjoying a Peanut, first placeJim Denicola, The Fly, second placeKaren Frankenfield, Autumn Frog, third placeJim Denicola, November Leaves, honorable mentionNanse Clewell, Spring Blossom, judges choice
Special to the TIMES NEWS Class A Color Photograph Award winners during the Palmerton Camera Club's recent Salon Photography Competition include, seated, from left, Paul Sell and Bob Reinhart, and standing, Kris Minnich and Connie Reinhart.