Governor and family will feast on Tamaqua turkey
When Gov. Tom Corbett meets Tom Turkey on Thursday, the conversation around the dining room table just might turn to the Tamaqua area.
As it turns out, a local turkey actually two of them will be taking center stage at the governor's Thanksgiving feast.Early Tuesday morning, Koch's Turkey Farm in Walker Township presented two of the company's signature, organic whole turkeys to the governor and first lady Susan Corbett."I drove out there myself," said Brock Stein, a fourth generation member of the Lowell Koch family. Stein serves as vice president of strategic development of the Lewistown Valley turkey operation.Also on hand for the presentation was state Sen. David G. Argall, R-29.Stein said the Koch operation took no chances in making sure the soon-to-be-basted birds reached their destination."The turkeys were delivered by me right to the Corbett family's own kitchen," Stein said.The family-owned and operated poultry producer was excited to have the distinction of providing the turkeys for the Pennsylvania first family's Thanksgiving Day dinner.The company's last presence in the Governor's Residence was during the administration of Dick Thornburgh.The special delivery also included a few bottles of libation, too, in the form of a six-pack of Yuengling beer. There was a reason for it. Earlier this year, Koch's Turkey Farm developed a recipe in collaboration with Yuengling to cook turkeys in the brewery's seasonal beer called Oktoberfest.There was no indication if Corbett's chef planned to actually prepare the birds in such a manner, but he was given "the fixins" to prepare it that way just in case.Either way, it's a sure bet the Corbetts will enjoy a juicy holiday with tender slices of white meat tasty enough to make anybody gobble."It's an exciting day for Schuylkill County," Argall said. "It's great to see the first family enjoy a Schuylkill County meal in the Governor's Residence this year."Stein said the fare is certain to give the Corbett family a wonderful holiday."We're honored to have the privilege of providing two of our organic turkeys for the Pennsylvania first family's celebration of Thanksgiving. As proud Pennsylvanians, we wish the governor and his family a cheerful start to the holiday season," Stein said.The first lady is a Schuylkill County native and spent her younger years in Pine Grove.Koch's Turkey Farm, a division of Koch-owned Lewistown Valley Enterprises, Inc. has been a premium processor of turkey products since 1953.Four generations of the Lowell Koch Family have grown the company from processing 1,600 turkeys annually to over 850,000 turkeys in 2014.