Thanksgiving traditions
(This scene takes place inside Joan's refrigerator the night before Thanksgiving.)
"Yo, Tom. How's it goin'? Long time no see! Looks like you're all trussed up and ready to go.""Hey there Filling (Stuffing). Good to smell you, too. You're looking mighty tasty there Green Bean Casserole.""Well thanks, Big Guy. I almost didn't make it this year. Joan forgot the green beans and the hubby had to make a grocery store run. He was none too happy about it either. He had just changed into his Eagles' fleece sleep pants, ready to settle down for some serious pre-game TV. But all Joan had to say was that it was fine with her if she didn't have to make me because it would be one less thing for her to do and he was out of the house and in the truck before you could say, 'Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup.'""How ya all doin'? I'm so thrilled to be back with ya all agin!""Hey there Sweet Potato Casserole. Nice to see you too. Your mini marshmallow topping is looking pretty amazing this year.""Why thank ya, Tom. Ya all are looking pretty majestic yourself. What are ya weighin' in at this year?""I do believe I'm just a little shy of 26 pounds. I'm a little bigger than last year because Joan invited a co-worker and her husband to join the family. She found out they couldn't make it home to their folks' in St. Cloud, Minnesota, because of the weather so she told them to come have dinner with us. That was nice of her, don't you think?""Oh I do, I do. And let's face it, there's always room at a Thanksgivin' table. Well, maybe not at the main table. I understand Joan Dear has to set up the foldin' table in the livin' room for the kids. They'll just love that!" says Sweet Potato Casserole."Probably. But I bet Joan'll be cleaning Filling out of the carpet for a week after they all leave. Miss Cranberry Sauce, you are looking some kind of sumptuous there.""Whyy sthank you Tom. I'm a little exxxcited. Joan found a new recipe online. I've got ssssome port and a weeeeeeee bit of orange liqueur in mmmme thissss year. I'm nottttt only loooooking fine, I'm tasssstting fine, too. Hiccup.""Uh oh. I don't know about that. You know how the family feels about tradition. One year Joan thought she'd try a new recipe for me and added chestnuts. Man, you would have thought she committed treason the way everyone reacted. She learned her lesson not to stray from the tried and true," Filling (Stuffing) says."Door's opening. I thought we were all here already. Who could be coming now, I wonder?" Tom says."Here you go. I'll just move the Green Bean Casserole next to the Sweet Potato Casserole and let's see if I can squeeze you in here next to the second dish of Filling. There. Oh. You are one beautiful looking dessert. I am so proud of you," Joan says as she closes the refrigerator door.All food eyes are on the newcomer."Uh, bonsoir ÃÂ tous. (Good evening, everyone.)""Who, and what are you?" asks Tom."I am Citrouille Mousse. (Pumpkin Mousse.) Je suis un dessert pour demain. (I am dessert for tomorrow.)""You mean Pumpkin Pie's not coming? Big Trouble! I smell a Thanksgiving mutiny," says a concerned Green Bean Casserole.(Hours later on Joan's Thanksgiving table.)"Schwooowww. That went rattttthhher well. I thhhhhink they liked meeee!""They did, Miss Cranberry Sauce. Your dish is almost empty. Like mine. I heard Grandpa Joe say he was planning on making some of my leftovers into a Filling (Stuffing) sandwich for a snack later tonight. The highest compliment, next to an empty dish. And look at you, Green Bean Casserole. There's only a tablespoon of you left.""Yeah. But I don't think I'm going to make it to the refrigerator. Uncle John's been eyeing me up and, oh, he just opened his belt and there goes the button on his pants. Here comes his forkkkkkkk ...""Sweet Potato Casserole, there's a smidgen of you left yet. I don't think Joan was very happy with Grandson Mikey eating all the mini marshmallow topping off of you before everyone got served. Bet he'll have a tummy ache before the night's over.""I know. What a scamp! And look at ya, Tom. Ya all look like a flock of vultures picked ya over. I don't know if there's even enough left of you for a turkey sandwich!"Tom's scant remains sit next to a perplexed and untouched Pumpkin Mousse."Ce qui a mal tourné? (What went wrong?)"A loose flap of Tom's golden skin from a wing flutters as what's left of Tom sighs. "It's not your fault. Every once in a while, Joan thinks she has to shake things up a little. She says she gets tired of making the same thing year after year for Thanksgiving and so she'll try a new recipe. But what she forgets is, there are just some things you don't mess with. It was lucky her mom thought something like that would happen when Joan told her what she was serving and brought along two pumpkin pies just in case."Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday. We all know it is a time to thank God for all the many blessings people receive throughout the year. It's a time to celebrate traditions. But let's be honest ... it's all about the food. Traditional American food. Quite frankly, Mousse, you ain't tradition. And there's just no room in this holiday for anything French. So, Bon Voyage on your way down the garbage disposal!"