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Salary hikes OK'd for 2018-19

Carbon County's elected officials will see a pay increase in 2018 and 2019.

During a special county commissioners' meeting on Monday evening, the board voted unanimously to increase the county's elected officials' salaries by 2 percent in 2018 and 2 percent in 2019.The action now means that the county commissioners will receive a 2 percent increase to $67,834 in 2018 and a 2 percent increase to $69,191 in 2019. They will not receive salary increases in 2015, which was previously set in 2010. The current salary for the commissioners is $64,554.The county treasurer, controller, recorder of deeds, sheriff, prothonotary and clerk of courts will also receive a 2 percent increase for an annual salary of $60,699 in 2018 and a 2 percent increase or a total of $61,913 in 2019. Like the commissioners, these officials will receive no increase in 2015. They are currently earning $57,764.Additionally, the register of wills/clerk of orphans court, which is a dual office, will receive $62,012 for register of wills with an additional $2,000 for clerk of orphans court in 2018 and $63,292 with an additional $2,000 for clerk of courts in 2019; the coroner will receive $28,704 in 2018 and $29,278 in 2019.All elected officials will also see a 1 percent increase in 2016 and a 2 percent increase 2017 in salaries, set in 2013.The board voted on the salaries for 2018 and 2019 because article three of the state constitution states the "Board of Commissioners (must) fix the salaries of elected county positions before persons actually run for and get elected to those offices" and "prohibits increases in the salary of any public officer during his or her term of office."The commissioners must also set the commissioners' salaries in advance because they are not allowed to vote on their own salaries during their term in office.All three commissioner seats will be up for election in 2015, meaning that the board could be made up of new people when these increases take place.