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Police issue numerous citations in Nesquehoning

The following citations were issued by Nesquehoning police.

Chief Sean Smith cited a driver for failure to move over while approaching an emergency scene along Route 93. State police and other emergency vehicles were on scene at an accident when the driver failed to move over as required by law.Smith also issued five speeding citations, two on Wednesday and three on Thursday at Oak and Catawissa streets, a 25 zone. Speeds clocked were 45, 43 (3), and 41. A speeder was also cited along Route 93 on Saturday doing 76 in a 55 zone.On Saturday Smith was dispatched to a rollover accident on Route 209. Shane Fisher Jr., 281 Broadway, Lehighton, was northbound when he lost control on the ice-covered road.The vehicle left the road and struck a tree and flipped over onto its roof. Fisher was cited for driving a vehicle at an unsafe speed due to conditions.While at the scene and assisted by Jim Thorpe police and emergency responders another vehicle came through the scene at a high rate of speed and failed to move over, almost striking Nesquehoning Fire Chief John McArdle. The vehicle was stopped and the driver cited.Officer Timothy Wuttke issued two speeding citations on Friday along Route 54, a 40 zone. Speeds clocked were 59 and 57.Officer Robert Blisard issued six speeding citations on Saturday along Route 54, Oak and Catawissa streets, and Route 93. Speed along 54 was 56 in a 40 zone; at Oak and Catawissa, a 25 zone, speeds recorded were 46, 44, 42 and 41. On 93, 75 in a 55 zone.Officer Carl Breiner cited Francis Joseph Damian, 23 E. Center St., Nesquehoning, for harassment against Sindle Griffith. The alleged incident occurred at 166 E. Catawissa St., on Nov. 8.