Published November 15. 2014 09:00AM
Dear Editor,
Unemployment numbers in Carbon County have been exceedingly high since the coal industry lost favor.Carbon County residents have put Barack Obama and his policies in office twice.Now open the Times News to the help wanted section. How many job choices do you, your children, or possibly your parents have if looking for work? If six years of Obama isn't enough, how many more years are needed? You can only serve for eight years as president.The gas industry, with the help of modern technology, can be the next driver of the economy for many years to come. Will there be some risks? Yes.However, do you think that the hunting, fishing or trapping industries are going to pay your rent or mortgage? They don't produce any pollution or risks.I think we can all agree that those days are over.If the pipeline comes through your property, make sure you get paid, but don't stand in the way. We have to have some industry for people to prosper and trickle down wealth to the service industries. If you strive for a job at Burger King that pays $10 an hour instead of $8 an hour, I'm sure that job will be there for you. Do you want fries with that?John FergusonTowamensing Township