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Rod and gun club winners

Beaver Run Rod and Gun Club small bore scope winners: first place, Gerry Rhyder; second place, Dave Goss (not present); third place, Renai Foster.

Small bore open site winners: first place, Frank Goss; second place, Renai Foster; third place, Vern Fritz.Big bore open site winners: first place, Dave Casterline; second place, Art Betteridge; third place, Bob Henninger (not present).Senior league big bore open site winners: first place, Tom Barber (not present); second place, Thom Tkach; third place, Paul Serfass.Senior league small bore open site winners: first place, Mike Palinchak; second place, Sandy Palinchak.The most improved shooter this year was Stan Wychulis with a difference of 79 points.

Special to the Times News Small bore open site winners: first place, Frank Goss; second place, Renai Foster; third place, Vern Fritz.