Published October 29. 2014 04:00PM
The Pleasant Valley School District obtaining quotes for a contract for maintenance on the softball field.
The board authorized Christopher Fisher, assistant to the superintendent, to obtain quotes at a cost not to exceed $15,000.Project Restoration Earth Work will also be done behind the Pleasant Valley Middle School at a cost not to exceed $15,000. Some areas, where some out buildings had been, needs to have some earth leveled out and restored to grass. Fisher said that sometime down the road, the district will probably put an athletic field there.These contracts will be ratified at the Nov. 13 board meeting.The board also approved:Hiring Jennifer Carr, monitor/substitute monitor, PVMS, effective Oct. 24 at $8.92 per hour; John DeVivo, music department head (K-12); Fannie Boeman, substitute secretary.The retirement of Beverly Hofford, administrative secretary, effective Jan. 5; Irene Bell, monitor, effective Oct. 20.The resignation of Amanda Shipula, PVMS special education teacher effective Nov. 6.Reassigning Tim Hinton from PVI LTS position to PVMS special education vacancy created by a resignation, effective Nov. 7.Julie Weiss as a parent volunteer.The board approved, 7-0, the following from Susan Famularo, district business manager:The 2015 proposed budget for West End Park Open Space Commission and support in the amount of $3,950.The contract to ReDCo Group for school-based counseling for school year 2014-2015, including the ICE program for $92,000.The board, 7-0, awarded the snow removal bid for the 2014-2015 school year for Polk Elementary School to Anderson Water Hauling Inc. at $59 an hour per truck, $70 an hour per loader, $70 an hour per dozer, and $70 an hour for trucking, if hauling is needed.