Former tavern to become apartments in Palmerton
A former tavern in Palmerton will be converted into two apartments.
The borough's zoning hearing board on Monday unanimously agreed to grant a special exception and two variances to Tom Ring to change the use of his property at 301 Lehigh Ave.A special exception was necessary for the proposed second apartment addition, as were variances from the minimum lot size and off-street parking requirements to convert the use of the first floor of the structure, which was previously occupied by the tavern, to a second apartment.The property, the former Susie's Penn Lunch, is located in a Residential/Light Commercial (R-3) zoning district.Dellecker says in his letter the conversion of an existing building into one or more dwelling units, or the use of property for apartments, is permitted only by special exception in the R-3 zoning district.The ordinance requires a minimum average of 4,000 square feet of lot area for each apartment in an R-3 zoning district. The application, as submitted, indicates the existing lot size to be 969 square feet.The new apartment would require two off-street parking spaces. Dellecker said the application, as submitted, does not show any off-street parking.In essence, he said a special exception would be required for the proposed use of adding a second apartment, while variances would be required from the minimum lot size and off-street parking.Zoning appealAlso on Monday, the board heard a zoning appeal from Joseph Bennett, who sought a variance relating to the buffer area requirements.The appeal relates that Bennett's land development plan for 555 Delaware Ave., which was conditionally approved by borough council on Sept. 11.As approved, the plan calls for the installation of a required buffer yard along the alley.While testimony was given by both Bennett and borough Manager Rodger Danielson on behalf of the borough, the case was continued because it was determined that Bennett needed to provide more information, according to board solicitor Jenny Cheng.Cheng said Tuesday morning the hearing was set for 7 p.m. Nov. 3, but there is a scheduling conflict.The new date will be posted at borough hall, Cheng said.According to a memo dated Oct. 8 from Dellecker, Bennett does not want to construct the buffer and has requested a waiver from this requirement.Dellecker said in his memo he did not issue a letter of denial on the issue because he had no objections to the plan as approved with the buffer design.