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Top donors in the campaign

Donors to the campaigns of Republican Gov. Tom Corbett and his Democratic challenger, Tom Wolf, have given $48.2 million so far in 2013 and 2014, according to campaign finance reports submitted to the state by the two campaigns. Corbett has received about $20.5 million; Wolf has received about $27.6 million. The figures are current through Sept. 15, the latest data the campaigns were required to make available.

Including another $1.1 million in in-kind contributions of goods and services, the total is more than $49 million. Below are the top 10 donors to each campaign, including the value of their in-kind contributions. Collectively, those 20 groups and individuals contributed $25.8 million, or more than half the total raised in 2013 and 2014 thus far.Including spending in the four-way Democratic Party primary, the campaign has cost in excess of $62 million, and is threatening the all-time record of nearly $70 million in Pennsylvania, set in 2002.The next campaign finance reports are due to the state Friday. The election is Nov. 4.TOP 10 DONORSTO TOM CORBETT1. Republican Governors' Association, $5.85 million2. John M. Templeton Jr., president and CEO, Templeton Foundation, $920,0003. Republican Party of Pennsylvania, $352,0004. John S. Middleton, former owner, John Middleton Inc., $300,0005. Pennsylvania Future Fund political action committee, $276,5006. H.F. "Gerry" Lenfest, owner, Interstate General Media (parent company of The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News), $252,0007. Terrence M. Pegula, president and CEO, East Resources, $250,0008. Albert Boscov, chairman and CEO, Boscov's Department Store LLC, $150,0009. Lance Shaner, CEO, Shaner Enterprises, $150,00010. A. Ross Myers, CEO, American Infrastructure, $132,000TOP 10 DONORSTO TOM WOLF1. Tom Wolf, $10 million2. M. Thomas Grumbacher, chairman, The Bon-Ton Stores, $2.15 million3. Louis J. Appell Jr., chairman, Susquehanna Real Estate LP, $725,0004. Pennsylvania State Education Association, $700,0005. William Wolf, father, $650,0006. American Federation of Teachers and affiliates, $610,0007. Service Employees International Union and affiliates, $607,0008. Committee for a Better Tomorrow political action committee (Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association), $600,0009. Democratic Governors' Association, $564,00010. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and affiliates, $552,000