Published October 16. 2014 04:00PM
Blood driveThe Miller-Keystone Center will conduct a blood drive at St. Katherine Drexel Church, 124 E. Abbott St., Lansford, on Monday, Oct. 20 from 1-6 p.m.Participants may walk in or can make an appointment by calling John Karnish at 570-645-3994.Summit HillFall tree plantingsThe Summit Hill Shade Tree Commission will be conducting its fall tree plantings on Oct. 25 and 26.Anyone interested in sponsoring a tree to be planted along the streets or in memory or in honor of someone, may call John Kupec at 570-645-9644 or Lou Vermillion at 645-9772 for information.Trees will be ordered in mid-October.Volunteers to help plant, water and clean up are always welcome as well as any contributions to the Shade Tree Commission's efforts.