Published October 04. 2014 09:04AM
Well, now, folks of the local area school districts. Have you seen the Sept. 24 front page of today's Times News? It seems Pleasant Valley students took time out for our God at See You at the Pole!
I'm happy to see that Lehighton High School students also participated. Is it any wonder there is so much trouble in our midst? So few took part in the event, where were all the others?You see, people, when you turn away from God and ignore him, there is a price to pay. His patience is great, much greater than yours or mine, and his love is even greater, IF we accept him and his son Jesus our savior, and how about the Holy Ghost?Yes, we the people of the area seem to have gone astray.And yes, there were only 13 students and five adults from Pleasant Valley, but they were there paying homage to our God.Thank you, Pleasant Valley, for taking time for God! And thank you, Times News, for making this front page news.Ruthann SchlechtLehighton