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Carbon EMA schedules training

The Carbon County Emergency Management Agency has announced the following emergency services training sessions available to emergency personnel.

Registration is required. To register, call, email or fax the host agency.Forcible Entry: Oct. 4 and 5 at the Nesquehoning Hose Company No. 1. To register, email

carbonfiretraining@yahoo.com."Courage to be Safe/Everyone Goes Home:" 6 p.m. Oct. 7 at Panther Valley High School. To register, email

carbonfiretraining@yahoo.com.NIMS-700: Oct. 11 at the Carbon County EMA. Call the Carbon EMA to register.Basic Ropes and Rigging: date to be determined at the Carbon County EMA. Email

carbonfiretraining@yahoo.com to register.ICS-100 Incident Command: Oct. 26 at the Carbon County EMA. Call the Carbon EMA to register.Intro to Crisis Intervention Teams: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at the Carbon County EMA. To register, contact Jim Fouts at

jamesfoutslsw@verizon.net or 484-695-7694.Hazmat Operations Annual Refresher: Nov. 1 at the Carbon County EMA. Call the Carbon EMA to register.ICS-200 Incident Command-II: Nov. 2 and 9 at the Carbon County EMA. Call the Carbon EMA to register.Highway Safety for Emergency Responders: 6:30 p.m. Nov 13 at the Carbon County EMA. To register, email

carbonfiretraining@yahoo.com.Structural Burn Session: Nov. 15 and 16 at Whitehall Fire Training Facility. To register, email

carbonfiretraining@yahoo.com.NEPRCTTF Quarterly and Executive Board Meeting: 10 a.m. Dec. 17 at the Carbon County EMA.