Published September 25. 2014 04:01PM
A motorcyclist was killed and two people in another vehicle involved in the crash were injured at 6:58 p.m. Wednesday along Route 145 at the intersection with Second Street, in North Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
State police at Bethlehem said Franklin Schlegel, 56, of Walnutport, was driving west on Second Street while the cyclist was northbound on 145. Schlegel entered the intersection and a collision occurred, troopers said.The front of the bike hit the driver's side of Schlegel's vehicle.The cyclist was pronounced dead at the scene. Troopers are not releasing the victim's name pending notification of the next of kin.Schlegel and his passenger, Bernice Schlegel, 73, same address, were taken to the Lehigh Valley Hospital, Cedar Crest, for treatment of injuries. Both were wearing seat belts, troopers noted.The investigation into the crash is continuing.