Man arrested in suspected meth lab raid
Lehighton police broke up a suspected methamphetamine lab just before the cooking process was to begin.
The raid happened at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday at a home in the downtown business section of the community.Arrested was Matthew Scott Haydt, 26, of 189 S. First St.Haydt was arraigned before District Judge William Kissner of Palmerton. He was lodged in the Carbon County Correctional Facility in lieu of $25,000 bail.Patrolman Matthew Bender of the Lehighton Police Department said Haydt tried to run away when police arrived at his home. He was tackled by Bender.According to the affidavit, police were dispatched to the rear area of the residence on a complaint that a mobile lab was operating inside.Haydt was accused of taking items that are used to manufacture methamphetamine into the home."I knew the offender from a prior overdose in this month," Bender wrote in the affidavit. "I also knew that the offender had an outstanding warrant for his arrest out of Carbon County Sheriff's office."Bender said that at the police station, Haydt admitted that the items and equipment he had to manufacture meth were his.The affidavit says, "Haydt also admitted to having everything ... ready to manufacture the methamphetamine later tonight but we arrived prior to him starting up the cooking process."Bender was assisted by several officers from neighboring police departments.He has been charged with operating a methamphetamine lab, possessing red phosphorous and other ingredients withintent to manufacture a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, unlawful possession of a controlled substance, and unlawful delivery or manufacture of a controlled substance.Kissner was the on-call district judge and did the arraignment of Haydt, then forwarded the charges to District Judge Edward Lewis of Jim Thorpe.A preliminary hearing was tentatively scheduled for Aug. 6 before Lewis.This was the second meth lab raided in the downtown section of Lehighton within four months. On April 14, a raid occurred about a half block away.So far this year, six meth labs have been raided in Carbon County.