Published July 30. 2014 04:00PM
Doe licenses are sold out for the upcoming hunting season in one wildlife management unit that spans portions of Carbon and Schuylkill counties.
Carbon County Treasurer Ronald Sheehan said Tuesday that WMU 4C, which had 25,000 licenses for sale when the application season opened on July 14, has been completely exhausted.As of 9 a.m. Wednesday, a total of 414,710 of the 779,500 licenses have been sold across the state.According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission website, licenses in 3D in Carbon and Monroe counties and 4E in Schuylkill are still available.Other WMUs that sold out so far include 1B, 2G and 2H, which are all located in the northwestern and northern parts of the state.Sheehan said that his office will begin mailing processed licenses this week.He urged all hunters who applied for licenses to check the pink envelope once it is received because rejected applications are also being mailed back.The first bonus round of available licenses for any unsold licenses in remaining WMUs will open on Aug. 4.Currently, regular doe license applications are being accepted for state residents, as well as nonresidents.Sheehan said that the bonus applications must be mailed in the designated pink envelopes, which are available at the treasurer's office, located in the courthouse annex in Jim Thorpe; or at any location where licenses are sold.The bonus doe application can be found in the Hunter's Digest, he said.For more information, check out