Commissioners approve county agency contracts
Schuylkill County commissioners on Wednesday approved a number of contracts for county agencies. They included fee-for-service contracts for the Office of Senior Services. The contracts run through June 30, 2017, with an option to renew for an additional two years.
• WA One, doing business as Family Home Medical, of Mount Carmel, for home health services, including 603 hours of licensed practical nursing at $44.08 an hour, 30 hours of registered nursing at $66.20 an hour, 30 hours of physical therapy at $80.80 an hour, 30 hours of occupational therapy at $85.16 an hour, and 30 hours of speech therapy at $86.88 an hour for a contract total of $36,196.20.• WA Two, doing business as Family Home Medical Support Services, Mount Carmel, for 18,606 hours of personal care services at $18.12 an hour for a contract total of $337,114.53.• Berks County Center for Independent Living, doing business as Abilities In Motion, for 36,000 hours of personal assistance services at $15.20 an hour for a contract total of $547,200.• Focus Health, Selinsgrove, for 3,000 hours of personal care services at $17.96 an hour for a contract total of $53,880.• Automated Security Alert for personal emergency response system services at $29.50 a month per consumer and $41.50 per consumer per month for cellular units for a contract total of $12,000.Commissioners also approved contracts for the county's mental health/disability services programs, including an amendment to Service Access & Management's purchase service agreement. The change increases the 2012-213 contract to $6,145,781.78 to close out the 2012-13 fiscal year, reflecting a final payment to SAM in the amount of $30,920.98.For the Children & Youth Services agency, commissioners approved 31 days of legal services via Maria Casey at $2,065.Commissioners said they are waiting for approval from the state ethics commission before extending that time to a full year as Casey is the county's first assistant district attorney. The county bar association has found no problem, commissioner's Chairman Frank J. Staudenmeier said.At the request of county finance director Paul Buber on behalf of the Agricultural Extension Office, commissioners approved contracts through the extension office with Penn State University from Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 31, 2014.The contracts are for 4-H youth services at $55,659, commercial horticulture services at $30,000 and for consumer horticulture services at $28,983.On behalf of the solicitor's office, commissioners approved a memorandum of understanding between Schuylkill County Vision and the commissioners for the Schuylkill County Youth Summit.