Zoostock Challenge 5K Run/Walk held in Lansford
David Barachie, 26, of Nesquehoning and Lyndsey Gallagher, 15, of Northampton, were the top overall male and female winners in the eighth annual Zoostock Challenge 5k Run/Walk. The event took place on May 31.
This year, over 70 participants took on the 3.1-mile course, which stretched through the streets and roads of Lansford ending at The Sports Zoo and Halftime Bar Zoo Crew. The run/walk was followed by award presentations and a food fest inside. Cancer survivors were also honored during the event.The event is held in conjunction with the Sports Zoo and Halftime Sport's Bars efforts to benefit the Carbon-Tamaqua unit of the American Cancer Society.The results were as follows:OverallDave Barachie was the overall male winner with a time of 18:58.Lyndsey Gallagher was the overall female winner with a time of 20:02.Behind them was:Male: 2. Lenny Ogozalek 3. Robert Muscovitch 4. Jason Setlock 5. TJ ParamboFemale: 2. Delana Nalesnik 3. Lisa Georgis 4. Cathy DeGiosio 5. Sami VavraCancer Survivor1. Susie Bortnick 2. Delmar Phillips14 and underFemale: 1. Tia Ketchledge15 -20 age groupMale: 1. Hunter Davidyack21-27 age groupMale: 1. Justin Christman 2. Craig FylerFemale: 1. Courtney McCarroll, 2. Jamie Hartz28-33 age groupMale: 1. Adam Ridgedell 2. Conrad FlynnFemale: 1. Katie Boccella34-40 age groupMale: 1. Brent Reabold, 2. Brian Marhon, 3. Tom VermillionFemale: 1. Jennifer Lobasso, 2. Andrea Parambo, 3. Christine LeClair41-45 age groupMale: 1. Blase Marchetti, 2. Chris KruslickyFemale: 1. Barbara Lawson, 2. Monique Hofford, 3. Monica Akins46-50 age groupMale: 1. Stephen Boccella, 2. Del Phillips; Female 1. Dorrine Welsch 2. Larissa Vertz62-69 age groupMale: 1. John Hartzog.70+ age groupMale: 1. Wally Rosahoc.WalkersMale: 1. Jeff Knutson 2. Arthur Williams 3. Jared Soto 4. Bobby Dobosh 5. Delmar PhillipsFemale: 1. Devin Parambo, 2. Lisa Hiles, 3. Margie Parambo, 4. Judy Midas, 5. Mariann Garfield.