Published June 06. 2014 05:01PM
Chestnuthill Township supervisors and the owner of Rita's Italian Ice came to some solutions to a parking lot issue.
At the April 1 supervisors' meeting, the supervisors and Three Twins Realty, the owner of the property where Rita's Italian Ice is located, were unable to come to an agreement on a sidewalk/parking issue and Three Twins Realty's land development plan was tabled. It wants to open a business upstairs.At that meeting, Chairman Chuck Gould said that he was not in favor of approving the plan until an issue of a sidewalk was resolved. He thought there was a safety concern because people were parking in the First Northern Bank & Trust's adjacent parking lot and then walking along Route 209 to Rita's because of inadequate parking. He thought there should be a sidewalk installed.Ralph Matergia, attorney for Three Twins Realty, told the board at the Tuesday meeting that the short answer was, "We can't do it because it involves liability questions."The owner of Rita's also argued that there is adequate parking and they are not putting up signs telling people to park at the bank.Chairman Gould said the township's zoning officer recently drove by and saw three to four cars parked in the grass, and the owner said again that there is adequate parking, with 20 spaces.It was noted that there is a safety concern with Rita's current parking situation.During busy business hours, Rita's customers have been parking in the adjacent parking lot where the First Northern Bank & Trust and other offices are located in a building also owned by Three Twins Realty.Rita's customers are seen walking along Route 209 to get to the business.The board approved the plan subject to the following conditions: Signage at the bank parking lot that it was parking for bank customers only; Rita's employees to park in the rear of the building or off site; and there be parking control on busy days, special events, fundraisers in the reasonable business judgment of the tenant.