Chestnuthill Township receives several grants
Chestnuthill Township's supervisors expressed their appreciation to township manager, David Albright, for his diligent work in obtaining close to $118,000 in grants for the township.
At a recent meeting Supervisor Vice Chairman Chris Eckert commended Albright for acquiring the grants. Supervisor Harry Miller expressed his appreciation for all Albright does, as well.During the meeting the board unanimously approved the following:• a Monroe County Open Space grant agreement of $3,484, to make improvements and repairs to the basketball court at the Chestnuthill Township park;• a PA DEP Section 902 recycling grant agreement for $81,5357. The township only has to match 10 percent of that amount. It is to be used for shredded paper, tipper/bailer, a skid steer and educational materials.• a $32,880 grant agreement through Local Share Account Funds (LSA) in Monroe County for the McIlhaney Road stream crossing project. The bid is ready to go out.LSA funds from gaming (casinos) may be used for economic development, community development and public interest projects in Monroe County.Eckert said that he's read letters in the newspaper asking why taxpayers don't receive any of the Local Share funds. Eckert says that Local Share money goes toward roads and repairs, which helps keep taxes down, so taxpayers are receiving benefits from LSA.The township received a letter from the Sun Valley Property Owners Association, billing the township for dues on the 51 repository lots the township purchased from the county. Supervisor Chairman Chuck Gould said he thought the board should discuss it further and asked that a meeting be set up between the board and the association.Resident Stuart Thody pleaded with the supervisors that when they next paint lines on the roads to please use a quality paint. He noted how several of the lines are barely visible at night.Nancy Christman, president of the township historical society said that they are ready to begin cleaning the Merwinsburg Hotel and will need Harmless Forms for the volunteers to fill out. Christman also said the society will hold its second Victorian Tea at the Chestnuthill Township Park Building at 1 p.m., Sunday.Bernie Kozen, executive director of the West End Park and Open Space, reported that 32 children participated in the Mother's Day craft; 21 people signed up for tennis lessons; the last bingo made $832 and had 60 players; the Cherry Valley Spring Festival had 300 plus attendees; the Kids' Safety Fair in April had 75 children attend; and more than 200 people attended the Eckert/Cole Memorial Day Tribute concert.Kozen said that the park will host the following in June: a Craft/Gift Fair, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., June 7; Free Father's Day aprons at Ross Township from 10 a.m. until noon, June 14; the Volleyball League will begin June 19; a free concert in the park with Lost Ramblers and Christina Lenway, at 5 p.m., June 22; and the Western Pocono Lioness Club's Patriotic Coloring Contest from 10 a.m. until noon June 28.Eric Hoffman, acting emergency management coordinator for the township, reported that the West End Fire Company responded to 39 calls (five dwelling/structure, four brush fires, five motor vehicle accidents, seven automatic alarm, 11 mutual/automatic aids, one medical assist and six others.) The West End Ambulance Association responded to 123 calls in May.The board approved:• Christine Pelka Rivera's lot joinder request so she can build a new septic system• authorized advertising to bid road paving.The next supervisors' meeting will be 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 17.