Supervisor appointed to planning commission
At the Eldred Township May meeting, Vice Chairman Mary Ann Clausen announced that Supervisor and secretary Sharon Solt has been appointed to the Monroe County Planning Commission Executive Board to represent the township and the West End municipalities.
Need for newalarm companySolt reported that the Monroe County Control Center has notified the township that as of the end of this year they will no longer act as an alarm monitoring company, but they will continue to respond to all emergencies. The township will get some price quotes from Royal Security and others on monitoring its alarms.Eldred Township Solicitor Michael Kaspszyk sent a proposed final agreement to the adjoining property owner in an attempt to finalize the Walter Mock Park agreement so they can begin bidding for construction.Kaspszyk said he has contacted the mortgage company that owns the old mill in Kunkletown about its deterioration and is awaiting a response from them.Residents voiceconcernResident Joseph Cardello questioned Zoning Officer Ellerslie Helm about the status of the abandoned trailer on Smale Lane. Helm said he spoke to the owner, who told him that her father was going to take care of the trailer. The end of the time limit is nearing, and there will not be any extensions.Resident Dean Zacharias said that he has lived with a junkyard in front of his house for a long time. He said that there are more than 25 abandoned and junk cars just sitting there, and he asked what is being done about it. He would like the mess off Church Road cleaned up. Helm said that he will check into it and deal with any enforceable violation, adding that he had looked into the matter years ago with Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Carl Mease, but none of the vehicles were stolen.Roadmaster Keith Kuehner's report:• The road crew has been installing new street signs, and the streets have been swept by Possinger.• The Boy Scouts have been doing some road cleanup.• The electronic recycling program is doing very well and the public is reminded that the hours are 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Mondays-Fridays.• The township wants to double seal coat Upper 57 Road, pave the second half of Meixsell Valley Road (the first half is already done), and materials need to be ordered. There is a major pipe on Correll Road that needs to be replaced.• He and Solt attended a two-day workshop for dirt and gravel roads, and there are funds available to fund low-volume roadwork in the township.• Received a quote from Harold Serfass Masonry to repair a wing wall on Bollinger Road in the amount of $2,636. The road crew will assist Serfass with the repairs. Since Serfass has provided the township with his insurance information, the board approved it, 2-0. The board approved, 2-0, to advertise for the bids and advertise the bids to be opened at the Wednesday, June 4, meeting.Zoning officer report:• For the month of April, he issued two building permits and one driveway permit, had one property improvement off Borger Road; completed 10 site surveys with letters sent out and no response to date.• If residents see anyone getting ready to burn piles of questionable trash, he would like them to call him as soon as possible.• Spoke with Carol Cummings from Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority regarding illegal dump sites in the township, and that together they will determine the best course of action.Kaspszyk asked if any of the building permits were for Kuehner Field Estates properties. Helm said they were not. Kaspszyk said that before any building permits are issued for those lots, the roads must be made square, according to their approved land development plan.