Published May 30. 2014 01:46PM
One confirmed case of scabies has been reported in the Carbon County Correctional Facility.
Deputy Warden Timothy Fritz said the prison learned of a confirmed case earlier this week, and are currently treating that inmate with medication.About 25 inmates are assigned to the block where the infected person is housed, and to stop the possibility of spreading the infection, the prison is treating everyone as a precaution.Cells are being deloused, and all clothing and bedding are being washed in hottest water to kill the parasite."Scabies isn't something that lives in the facility," Fritz said this morning. "It has to have a host and it deals with cleanliness."This is the second time in two years that the prison has had confirmed cases of scabies.In January 2012, three cases were confirmed.At the time, Warden Joseph Gross informed the county that the inmates were seen by dermatologists and medicine was prescribed.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, scabies is an infestation of the skin caused by a human itch mite and is spread through direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact.It is common in places like prisons, nursing homes and child care facilities, where people are in close contact.The mite "burrows into the upper layer of the skin where it lives and lays eggs."It causes intense itching and pimple-like skin rashes.An infected person may take up to six weeks to present any symptoms, but is contagious during that time period.