Lehighton honors top students
Outstanding academic students attending Lehighton Area High School were recognized on Wednesday evening during the 28th annual Academic Awards Banquet. This annual event honored the school's brightest and most hardworking students who are in the top 10 percent of their class. The event was held at Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company hall.
Welcoming the students, parents and families was high school Principal Craig Reichl. Kayla Troutman, who is ranked number one in the class of 2014, introduced the guests, while Jaclyn Jordan, who is ranked number two, gave the invocation.Reichl said the students worked hard to succeed."No success happens without support from their families," he said. "We're very proud of you."Sixteen seniors who will graduate this year were among the 49 students honored. Special recognition was given to seniors who achieved top honors. Recognized were: Christi Beddiges, world cultures and biology; Kyle Higgins, physics II; Nicholas Hill, accounting III, web design and consumer math; Jaclyn Jordan, accounting II; Max McCandless, honors stats; Emily Schaude, anatomy II; and Kayla Troutman, AP AB calculus. Also attaining top 10 percent status in the senior class were: Allison Butrie, Thatcher David, Alyssa Huntington, Matthew McGeehan, Peter Phelan, Michelle Pomposello, Atasha Rehrig, Paige Steigerwalt and Sara Wingert.Reichl honored the outstanding juniors. Honored were: Kelsey Andrews, business law I; Kirkland Breiner, honors environmental science; Kyle Collins, AP stats; Leah Hoover, honors English; Brianna Karpowicz, honors anatomy I; honors chemistry I and II; AP AB calculus and AO BC calculus; and Marissa Michalik, honors physics I. Also attaining top 10 percent ranking in the junior class were: Alanna Anderson, Abigail Applegate, Emily Cerimele, Britani Graver, Danielle Guckin, Michael Haydt, Holly Hinkle, Ellen Perkins, Shelby Snyder and Falyn Weiss.Sophomore honors students recognized were: Daniel Baka, honors speech and computers and careers I; Zachery Christoff, sports and entertainment marketing; Jacob Hoffner, government and civics; Alyssa Jordan, Spanish II and honors geometry; Sara Martz, German II, honors biology I and computers and careers II; and Cammi Nalesnik, honors English, honors geometry and pre-calculus. Also attaining Top 10 in their sophomore year were: Caleb Carpenter, Wyatt Clements, Tegan Durishin, Parker Fairchild, Julia Fisher, Brody Hydro, Joshua Knappenberger, Megan Nanovic, Rene Ronemus, Andrea Schafer and Tanner Zwetolitz.Gloria Bowman, school board president, concluded the program."This is so nice to see all of you," said Bowman. "So many of these students paths have crossed my path. It's an honor and a privilege to be part of this program."Bowman then thanked the students, their parents and their families for helping the student attain success."Success comes so many different ways to people." She added, "Continue your personal growth. Seek advice from trusted sources and always be compassionate to others."