Published May 28. 2014 05:01PM
Weston Ernst is the regional manager of Schneider Electric. Schneider Electric is a global company that provides technology and integrated solutions to optimize energy usage in markets like energy and infrastructure, industry, data centers, buildings and residential … and schools. Schools like Pleasant Valley.
Ernst and Nick Cattaneo, a 2003 PV graduate and former Schneider Electric sales representative, were instrumental in bringing a huge savings to the PV school district."We began working with Pleasant Valley in 2010, in a guaranteed savings program by changing lighting, motors and offering advice on how to save on energy costs. We have saved the district $300,000 in energy costs since 2013. The guarantee is the district will save $260,000 a year for 15 years," Ernst said.In a show of support and to cement its partnership with PV, Schneider Electric presented the Pleasant Valley Education Foundation with a $10,000 check at the May 22 school board meeting."We present this to the foundation to help support science, technology, engineering and math that aligns with our core values," Ernst said.Foundation members Rick Sawyer and Larry Wood accepted the gift on its behalf."The donation is awesome," Sawyer said.Christopher Fisher, assistant to the superintendent, says the district is pleased with forging a business relationship with Schneider Electric that has developed into an educational partnership.
Linda Koehler/Times News Schneider Electric presented the Pleasant Valley Education Foundation with a check for $10,000. From left are Nick Cattaneo; Weston Ernst, Schneider Electric regional manager; Rick Sawyer, PV Education Foundation board member; Christopher Fisher, assistant to the superintendent; and Larry Wood, PV Education Foundation board member.