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Pre-planning your novel and characterization

The Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group will hold its April meeting at 10 a.m., Saturday at the Palmer Branch of the Easton Area Public Library, 1 Weller Place, Palmer Township.

Writing a complete novel can be a difficult job, says multi-published author Kathleen Coddington."Your manuscript is complete, but it's full of plot holes, the big black moment is neither big nor black and your conflict disappeared in the middle of the story," she says. "You face weeks, maybe months of rewrites. It all works out, but what about next time?"During the morning program, Coddington will discuss "Eight Steps to Avoid Unnecessary Revisions and Rewrites" to take before you begin your next novel that will help eliminate weeks of avoidable revisions once it's completed.During the afternoon workshop, "Characters Inside and Out," Coddington will use a variety of approaches to develop both obvious and not-so-obvious character traits.Personality enneagrams, character collages and archetypes will be among the techniques investigated.Participants should bring a list of characters, scissors, and old magazines and catalogs.Kathleen Coddington is a paranormal, historical, and erotic romance author.Her first book, "Witch Ball," was nominated for the best new paranormal romance of 2008 by Night Owl reviews.Since then she has published four other novels with Ellora's Cave publishing. She has presented workshops at various writers groups and conferences.A former school librarian and Civil War Living Historian, she has published several articles on mid-19th century fashion and teaches novel writing at Northampton Community College.The morning program is free and open to the public, and the afternoon workshop is free for members and $15 for nonmembers.Registration is required for the afternoon workshop, for more information and to register, see

www.glvwg.org.About GLVWG: GLVWG aims to provide its members with a network of support and resources in the field of writing; to act as a central information point for activities in the field of writing and the publishing industry; and to advance the writing interests of its members. For more information, visit
