Egg-straordinary egg facts
Easter eggs are fun to hunt. Eggs are also egg-ceptionaly delicious.
Here are some facts from the American Egg Board about the incredible, edible egg.Egg Nutrition Facts• One large egg is 70 calories and has 4.5 grams of fat.• Eggs contain almost every essential vitamin and mineral needed by humans.• One egg contains 6 grams of protein. Protein from an egg is the standard by which other protein sources are measured.• The American Heart Association has amended its guidelines and no longer recommends a specific amount of egg yolks a person can consume a week.Egg General Facts• The average American eats approximately 250 shell eggs each year.• Americans consume 76.5 billion eggs a year.• The best place for an egg is in its carton on an inside refrigerator shelf. The carton's sponginess insulates the egg from jolts which can cause cracks. The carton also helps to prevent the loss of moisture and carbon dioxide to maintain quality, maintain the proper egg temperature, and keep the egg from absorbing undesirable refrigerator odors and food flavors.• Maximum storage temperature that eggs should be stored is 45 degrees Fahrenheit.• Free-range eggs are from hens that live outdoors or have access to the outdoors. The nutrient content of eggs from free-range hens is the same as those from hens housed in production facilities with cages.• Egg laying hens are not given hormones. Some egg cartons say that the eggs are hormone free, however, this is true for all eggs in commercial egg production in the United States.• Grade A means eggs are graded based on their quality and appearance. Grade AA eggs have thick, firm whites and high, round yolks.Their shells are clean and unbroken. Grade A eggs are like Grade AA, but their whites are "reasonably" firm. Grade B eggs have thin whites and wider yolks. The shells are unbroken, but might show slight stains.• You can tell if an egg is hard-cooked or raw by spinning it. If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked. If the egg wobbles, it is raw.• The average eggs laid by a hen in a year is 259.• There is no difference between brown eggs and white eggs.