Published March 27. 2014 05:00PM
Lauren Armbruster of Lehighton has been selected for the Sutton Scholars academic achievement scholarship program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
"Sutton Scholars are an elite group," said Michael Husenits, IUP director of Admissions. "We've established this program to recognize the best of our freshman applicants, ones who have very strong academics and outstanding promise."Students must apply to be considered for the program and are chosen following an on-campus competitive interview process.Started in 2012, the Sutton Scholarship is funded by the Foundation for IUP, along with gifts received from alumni, friends and employees. IUP's Class of 2012 designated a portion of its class gift to this scholarship fund.The scholarship is available to Pennsylvania students and can be renewed for four years of study. Sutton Scholarship recipients are also eligible for the Summer Scholars Academy, which provides scholarship funds for four years of summer course work.Armbruster, daughter of Sherry Armbruster of Lehighton, and Lonny Armbruster, also of Lehighton, is a senior at Lehighton Area High School. She will attend IUP in the fall as a criminology major. Armbruster is a member of Future Business Leaders of America and National Honor Society.