Published March 12. 2014 05:01PM
Several months ago, Pleasant Valley School District's board of directors voted to obtain appraisals on Eldred Elementary School in Kunkletown and the district's operations facility in Kresgeville.
At Monday night's buildings and grounds meeting, the board discussed plans to sell both facilities.Superintendent Carole Geary shared with the board of directors a letter to be sent to the Eldred Township supervisors, asking them if they would be interested in purchasing the school and giving them the first opportunity to do so. District personnel will be meeting with the supervisors on Wednesday to discuss the matter."There is a process we have to follow when a school district wants to sell any of its buildings," Geary said.Eldred Elementary was appraised at $1 million.Geary said the district could save between $50,000 to $60,000 annually, if it was sold.The district closed Eldred in 2010, due to the declining enrollment. It has since closed Chestnuthill Elementary (2013) and Polk Elementary will close at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.In 2005-2006, the PVSD enrollment was at 7,024 and there were 272 students at Eldred. By 2010, enrollment dropped to 5,049 districtwide and 156 at Eldred.Today, the PVSD enrollment is at 4,986.Eldred Elementary was built in 1953 when it consolidated all the one-room schools in the township. When the School Reorganization law was signed by Gov. David L. Lawrence in 1961, Eldred entered the Pleasant Valley Jointure in May 1965.In 1975 it added six classrooms, a kitchen and cafeteria.Since the school closed in 2010, Pocono YMCA has been renting space as a gym and been conducting exercise classes for the public.The PV operations facility in Kresgeville, (the former Scotty's Fashions) currently is used as a warehouse, copy center and houses offices for the district's food services and maintenance and custodial services.The facility was appraised at $625,000.
LINDA KOEHLER/TIMES NEWS Eldred Elementary School in Kunkletown will be going up for sale.