Published March 05. 2014 01:35PM
The Pennsylvania Bar Association presented three County Bar Recognition Awards to the Schuylkill County Bar Association during the 48th Annual Seminar of the Conference of County Bar Leaders recently.
The conference was held at the Nittany Lion Inn in State College.Recognized for its help to needy children and families, its distracted driving awareness trainings and its educational programs for lawyers, the Schuylkill County Bar Association is one of the 25 local bar associations in Pennsylvania honored this year for sponsoring projects that improve the legal profession, justice system or community.The awards are presented annually by the PBA."Our communities and legal professionals benefit greatly from the thousands of voluntary hours that hardworking lawyers invest each year into local programs and services," said Forest N. Myers."We are proud to acknowledge their efforts and encourage even more legal professionals to take part in the ongoing good works of the organized bar."During the holidays the association's Women's Law Caucus collected financial donations from association members and purchased, wrapped and distributed toys to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Schuylkill County Inc. and Toys for Tots.Other donations went to Bridge House, Salvation Army, Schuylkill Community Action and Schuylkill Women in Crisis.The Young Lawyers Division donated food to the Schuylkill County Food Distribution Network.The association, Young Lawyers and Schuylkill County Commissioners proclaimed the third week of February 2013 as "Schuylkill County Distracted Driver Awareness Week," encouraging the public to sign pledges to not drive while distracted by texting or talking on cell phones.A video was presented in the local schools and signs were distributed throughout the community about the dangers of distracted driving.The Young Lawyers Division also held two well-attended "Lunch and Learn" sessions featuring topics beneficial to members.