Bringing back police a business decision
Coaldale police officers need new bulletproof vests, stun guns and rounds of ammunition so that officers have enough to requalify at a range.
They need classes to get recertified for CPR and other first aid skills.Coaldale council's police committee discussed refreshing gear and training for police officers Tuesday night, but stopped short of saying they'd recommend bringing the officers back as full-time employees.Currently Coaldale is covered by one full-time policeman, Chief Tim Delaney, and numerous part-time officers. Three full-time officers were furloughed in 2012.Before the police committee convened in an open meeting, its members and Coaldale Council President Angela Krapf met with Delaney in executive session for a little more than an hour.Krapf left the meeting several times to photocopy documents on the copier in the adjacent police station. She and Delaney left without comment.Coaldale's 2014 budget had been adopted with no tax increase, with predicted revenues and expenditures balanced at $1.7 million each. The budget calls for police salaries of $210,000, which includes one full-time position, Chief Delaney, and part-time officers.At its first meeting, council reopened the budget and went through it line by line, moving monies which could cover the potential additional costs, such as health benefits, if the full-time positions were restored.Although monies were set aside, so far council has not made a decision on whether or not to bring back the full-time officers.Police committee members are Harry Hontz, Brenda Hosler and Linda Miller.During Tuesday's meeting, resident Dave Yelito said he didn't agree with a statement made during council's regular meeting earlier in the month. Someone said then that council members should vote to bring back the police, by "thinking with their hearts.""Thinking with your heart, well, that's for Valentine's Day," Yelito said. "This is business."Hontz pointed out that all three members of the police committee are new to council. It will take time for all of them to learn their jobs, he said.Hosler agreed that making a decision may take time."We're looking at figures and salaries," she said. "Business is business."