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Corbett proposes $45M to improve Pa. parks forests

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Gov. Tom Corbett is asking lawmakers for more money to fix and upgrade Pennsylvania's state parks and state forests.

Corbett said Saturday that he's seeking $45 million for the program called "Enhance Penn's Woods" in his budget for the fiscal year that starts July 1

Projects include new offices and campgrounds at selected parks, expanded public access and the addition of 20,000 acres to the state forest system. The work is being directed by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

The money, which comes from premiums and interest on state Growing Greener II bond funds, will push the total funding to $200 million for this year and 2014-15.

Pennsylvania has 120 state parks totaling almost 300,000 acres and 2.2 million acres in 20 state forest districts.
