West Penn supervisors recognize Martinez for 12 years of service
West Penn Township supervisors recognized Al Martinez for his years of service on the board, presenting him with a plaque.
"You've helped guide the township," said Supervisor Jim Aikens, who was appointed to serve as chairman during the township's reorganizational meeting."And you've been very instrumental in my growth, and in (supervisor) Jim Dean's growth, in learning to serve as supervisors."During the reorganization, Dean was appointed as vice-chairman, with newly elected Supervisor Ted Bogash rounding out the board. Bogash will also serve as part-time roadmaster.Martinez, a retired insurance agent, had been elected for two six-year terms."It was at times exciting, and sometimes contentious," he said. "It's been a great experience and everybody should have a shot at it."During the board's regular meeting, the supervisors made two decisions involving land development in the township.First, they decided to open Park Drive, Clamtown, as an alley. Solicitor Gretchen Coles Sterns said that signatures agreeing to the plan had been received from all adjoining land owners. The change must be advertised, and should be ready for the board to approve as an ordinance during the February meeting.Second, based on recommendations from zoning code enforcement officer Bill Enders and Sterns, the board decided that West Penn will require a land development plan from Commonwealth Connections Academy, a cyber school which plans to occupy the former J.E. Morgan Car Museum on the corner of Route 443 and Cold Spring Road.The township's planning board and Ron Madison, Rettew Engineering, reviewed a sketch plan of the project last month.Sterns said that Commonwealth plans to add about 25 parking places. An expansion of a parking area requires a land development plan, she said.The supervisors directed township secretary Bobbi Jean Muffley to send Commonwealth Academy a letter requesting they submit a plan.In other action taken during the reorganization meeting the supervisors:Reappointed David Imschweiler to serve on the Zoning Hearing Board, with James Tierney as alternate.Reappointed RoseAnne Georiades and Harvey Singleton to serve on the Planning Commission, with David Fredericks as alternate.Reappointed William Brior and Bruce Dobash to serve as sewage enforcement officer.Reappointed Rettew Associates to serve as the engineering firm for sewage projects.Appointed Alfred Benesch & Co., Pottsville, to act as the engineering firm for the township,