Published December 04. 2013 05:00PM
Lehighton Downtown Initiative will present a bigger and better "Christmas in the Park," Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration from 6-7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6.
The annual event will be held at the bandshell in the upper park in Lehighton, rain or shine. Santa Claus will arrive at 6:30 p.m.Paul Smith and the Lehighton Band will provide musical entertainment with favorite Christmas Carols, while Senior Girl Scout Troop 583 will provide hot cocoa.Each child 12 and under will be entered in a drawing to receive numerous presents, including 10 girl's and 10 boy's bicycles. Candy canes will be given out by Santa.For more information contact Frank Potoczak, president of the Lehighton Downtown Initiative. For more information or to donate prizes, call Frank at 484-357-6549 or email