No tax increase in Parryville
Parryville Council adopted the 2014 tentative budget on Saturday. Taxes will remain at 11.5 mills and one mill for fire safety. Final adoption will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 17.
With two of the five Parryville Council members absent, Mike Grant, president, counted on both attending members Sharon Keiser, vice president; and Cathy Hawk, to continue the afternoon's business. The meeting was held Saturday afternoon because Tuesday's regular meeting was canceled because of weather. Absent on Saturday were Jennifer Borger and Jennifer Emrey.Each mill in 2014 will bring in approximately $10,000 in revenue. Council anticipates spending $230,937 in 2014.Revenue include, $17,746 from the general fund account. From real estate taxes, $129,750; occupational taxes, $500; local enabling taxes, $28,600; fines, $450; interest income, $50; rent of land, $12; intergovernmental revenue, $350; fees and permits, $700; solid waste, $42,400; contributions from private source, $100; miscellaneous, $150 and restricted revenue (liquid fuels, foreign fire tax), $18,341.Expenses include council salaries, training and dues, $5,500; mayor salary and dues, $1,300; audit fees, $2,450; tax collector, $3,370; legal fees, $5,500; secretary/treasure salary and supplies, 9.950; miscellaneous, $250; engineering fees, $24,500; miscellaneous building, $4,500; fire and public safety, $14,249; public safety (zoning and planning), $7,500; sanitation (trash collection), $38,440; public works, $21,500; street lights, $8,580; debt services, $57,927; recreation, $5,500; donations, $465; employer expenses, $2,328; insurance, $11,500; state aid, $15,331.Secretary Dana Brubaker noted that council did spend less for engineering costs than anticipated in 2013. Council had budgeted $18,000 and spent $4,500.Council also changed the date of the 2014 council meeting. Meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month for 2014.Council also noted that Penny Szoke will not serve as the tax collector in 2014. Council asked Szoke to turn over her records to council so that the change over to the new tax collector can occur.Szoke said that she did not run for tax collector because she did not want to commit to another four years.