Published November 14. 2013 05:00PM
Palmerton High School Class of 1953 held a two-day 60-year class reunion on Sept. 6-7. On the first day, 20 class members met at the Hampton Inn. On the second day classmates enjoyed a luncheon at the Blue Ridge Country Club. Classmates traveled from Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Maryland and Connecticut for the gathering. Those attending include, front from left, Lois Hartranft Mertz, Eleanor Neff Drumbore, Monica Pagotto Klotz, Carole Eckhart Lusch, Natalie Klymyshyn Visentin, Grace Frantz Shupp, Joan Hagenbuch Christman, Connie Biege Undercoffler, Carolyn Stutz Mitchell, Caris Andruzzi Carr, Anne Rodda and Bruce Bachman. Second row, Dorothy Furler Rix, Mary Ellen Roth George, Richard Beers, Joe Kane, Any Stefancik and Ron Strohl. Third row, George Perich, Larry Engle, Joe Mihalik, Paul Gerkovich, Dick Werkheiser, Mel Moyer, Delano Swartz and Bill Pitts.