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Registration dates set for toy giveaway

The Schuylkill-Carbon Marine Corps League announced registration dates for participation in their annual Toys for Tots program.

Registration will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays on Nov. 15, 16, 22, and 23, and Dec. 6 and 7.Registration for Carbon County residents will take place at the Salem Bible Fellowship Church, 1105 Fredericks Grove Road, Lehighton. This is the only location for registration.No phone calls will be accepted.To ensure that a family is eligible for Toys for Tots, there must be a letter from church/clergy, proof of public assistance, or proof of unemployment.Only parents or legal guardians are permitted to register children. The person registering the children must have ID for themselves. Legal guardian must have proof of guardianship.You must have a current, local, photo ID to prove your residence in Carbon County.For each child being registered, a birth certificate is required.The age limit is 14 years, with a limit for handicapped children at 16 years.