Races for township supervisor listed
A few contests for township supervisor are featured in the Tuesday's general election. Other offices to be filled are tax collector, auditors, and polling officers. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
Following is a rundown for townships in the TIMES NEWS coverage area.West Penn Supervisor Ted Bogosh, Republican, unopposed. Tax Collector Helene Zeigler, is unopposed having won both Republican and Democratic nominations in the primary. Auditor, six year term, no candidate.Polling officers, First Precinct, Judge of Election, no candidate, and Inspector of Election, elect one, Diana L. Snyder, Republican, and Anita L. Zehner, Democratic. Second Precinct, Judge of Election, Rebecca L. Zehner, Republican, unopposed, and Inspector of Election, elect one, Marian S. Frantz, Republican, and Warren W. Steigerwalt, Democratic. Third Precinct, Judge of Election, no candidate, and Inspector of Election, vote for one, Ruth Ann Wehr, Republican, and Patricia C. Wallaesa, Democractic.Rush Supervisor Shawn Gilbert, unopposed having won both nominations in the primary. Tax Collector Dolores Walck, unopposed having won both nominations in the primary. Auditor, six year term, no candidate.Polling officers, East District, Judge of Election Amy L. Werner, Republican, unopposed and Inspector of Election, no candidates. West District, Judge of Election, Catherine A. Klingeman, Republican, unopposed and Inspector of Election, vote for one, Judith Morgan, Republican, and Paula Konsavage, Democratic. Elixir District, Judge of Election, Kathleen A. Arner, Democratic, and Inspector Election, no candidates.Walker Supervisor, David Price, Republican, unopposed. Tax Collector, Diane Yvonne Malay, Republican, unopposed. Judge of Election, Susanne Heisler, Republican, unopposed, and Inspector of Election, vote for one, June B. Leiby, Republican, and Mary L. Bridygham, Democratic.Schuylkill Supervisor, there is a contest between Charles J. Fayash, Republican, and Linda A. DeCendio, Democrat. Tax Collector, Paul Delpais, Republican, is unopposed. Auditor, six year term, no candidate.Judge of Election, Barbara Facini Folweiler, Republican, unopposed, and Inspector of Election, vote for one, Elizabeth Matalavage, Republican, and Jean Duda Miller, Democratic.Ryan Supervisor, Franklin R. Fetter is unopposed as he won both Repblican and Democratic nominations in the primary. Tax Collector Mary T. Peca is unopposed having won both the Republican and Democratic nominations in the primary. Auditor, six year term, no candidate, Judge of Election, Christine H. Wartman, Republican, unopposed and Inspector of Election, Judith A. Sanchez, Republican, only candidate.Delano Supervisor, contest between Jason Scarcella, Republican, and John S. Wolfgang, Democratic. Tax Collector, Ann Pascavage, Democratic, unopposed. Auditor, six year term, Nancy J. Derr, Democratic, unopposed.Judge of Election, Marie M. Cunningham, Democratic, unopposed, and Inspector of Election, vote for one, Audrey Walter, Republican, and Sharon Kuropatsky Democrat.East Brunswick Supervisor, Thomas W. Strause is unopposed having won both nominations in the primary. Tax Collector, no candidate. Auditor, six year term, four year term and two year term, no candidates. No candidates for judge or inspector of election.Kline Supervisor, there is a contest between Dale A. Wesner, Republican, and Joseph Landue, Democratic. Tax Collector, there is a contest between Stephen J. Sheer, Republican, and Diane Minneci, Democratic. Auditor, six year term, Melanie M. Wallace, Republican, unopposed. Auditor, two year term, Bruce Yourechko Jr., Republican, unopposed.Judge of Election, Carol Sanko, Republican, unopposed, and Inspector of Election, vote for one, Roseann Vigna, Republican, and Eugene Moisey, Democratic.