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Lehighton news

Trinity happenings

Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., Lehighton, will hold First Saturday worship with holy communion at 5 p.m. The Rev. Michael Frost, pastor of Zions, Stone Church, New Ringgold, will preside.All Saints Sunday worship service with holy communion begins at 9 a.m. The service will include a remembrance of the members from the congregation who have died in the past year. Interim pastor, the Rev. Donald Hayn, will preside. Coffeehouse fellowship follows.Sunday School classes will meet at 10:15 a.m. for ages 3 through grade 12.First Tuesday quiet communion is 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5.Coming up during next Sunday's worship service will be music from the Trinity Praise Band with guest vocalist Becky McFadden. Music will include several selections made popular by Amy Grant.Looking ahead to Friday, Nov 15, is a pork and sauerkraut dinner to benefit one of Trinity's members fighting the effects of late stage breast cancer and struggling with huge medical bills. Further information is available by contacting the church office at 610-377-4303.The annual congregational meeting will take place at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 17 with the election of council members and other important items. Sunday School classes will not meet that day.