Former Tamaqua man receives state prison term for assault on police officer
A former Tamaqua man pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer and drew a state prison sentence. He was one of 20 defendants who entered guilty pleas to criminal charges in Schuylkill County court and were sentenced by Judge James P. Goodman.
Damon Lee Cluff, 20, Pottsville, formerly of 245 Cedar St., Tamaqua, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault of police officer and was sentenced to serve 16 to 36 months in a state correctional facility and pay $100 to Criminal Justice Enhancement Account (CJEA). He was cited by Pottsville police.Edward A. Polcheck, 37, of Ninth and Fourth sts., Kelayres, Kline Township, pleaded to violation of the state's welfare program and was placed on probation 18 months, and ordered to pay $50 to CJEA, $50 to district attorney's office for a bench warrant, and make restitution of $1,620 to the Commonwealth for funds illegally received. Polcheck was cited by the state Attorney General's office claiming he fraudulently obtained monies from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly food stamp program ).Eulon Victor Patrick, 49, Knoxville, Tenn., pleaded to driving under influence (DUI) of alcohol and was sentenced to serve 72 hours to six months in the county prison and since he has served six days was released on parole, fined $1,000, pay $100 to Substance Abuse Education (SAE) fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, complete alcohol highway safety school, perform 10 hours community service, and his driver's license is suspended 12 months. Patrick was cited by Trooper Michael D. Marinchak on Interstate 81 in Frailey Township.Andrew C. Coe, 30, Jonestown, pleaded to receiving stolen property from the home of Brenden Lee Almond, Pine Grove, and was placed on probation 23 months, pay $50 to CJEA, perform 20 hours community service, and make restitution of $400 to the victim. Coe was cited by Cpl. Christopher Cruz.Michael David Collins, 22, Schuylkill Haven, pleaded to theft of currency belonging to Tracy Steward, Pottsville, and was placed on probation 23 months, pay $50 to CJEA, perform 20 hours community service, and make restitution of $3,000 to the victim. Collins was cited by Patrolman James P. Englert.Frances Mary Conn, 36, Mount Carmel, pleaded to possession of a controlled substance in the 400 block of Greenwood Avenue, Pottsville, and was sentenced to serve 38 days to 12 months in the county prison. However, since she served the minimum she was released on parole and ordered to pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA, and perform 10 hours community service.On a charge of possession of drug paraphernalia received a concurrent 11 months probation sentence and for possession of a small amount of marijuana a concurrent 30 day probation sentence. Conn was cited by Patrolman Eugene M. Yourey.William Edward Corby, 52, Saint Clair, pleaded to DUI of a combined influence of alcohol and drugs and was placed in the Intermediate Punishment Program (IPP) to serve six months on probation with the first 15 days under house arrest with electronic monitoring at pay a $12 daily fee, followed by four months and 45 days under strict supervision, fined $1,000, pay $100 to SAE fund, $100 to Catastrophe fund, $460 to Schuylkill Medical Center (SMC), attend safety school, perform 10 hours community service, receive outpatient counseling, submit to random urine tests, and driver's license suspended 12 months. Corby was cited by Trooper Timothy J. Rymarkiewicz on Eagle Hill Road.Joan Ruth Fletcha, 50, Port Carbon, pleaded to DUI of drugs and was sentenced to serve 72 hours to six months in the county prison with the sentence to begin, Monday, Oct. 7, at 9:30 a.m., fined $1,000, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, $460 to SMC, attend safety school, receive outpatient treatment, perform 30 hours community service, and her driver's license is suspended 12 months. On a charge of possession of a controlled substance has to serve an additional six to 12 months in the county prison. Also, on two other possession charges and one possession of drug paraphernalia received concurrent sentences of one to 12 months in prison. On a summary charge of failing to activate turning signals when required was fined $25 plus $50. Fletcha was cited by Pottsville Patrolman Eugene M. Yourey.Jeremy Tyler Culbert, 23, Pottsville, pleaded to possession of chemicals with intent to manufacture illegal drugs and criminal use of cell phone. Sentenced was deferred to Tuesday, Nov. 12, to allow time for adult probation department prepare a pre-sentence investigative report to aid in the sentencing. Culbert was cited by Minersville Patrolman Jeffrey R. Bowers, after methamphetamine drug was sold to a confidential informant (CI) for $200.Dylan John Eckert, 19, Minersville, pleaded to criminal mischief to property at 19 S. Third St., Minersville, and was placed on probation 12 months, pay $50 to CJEA. and make restitution of $573.48 to Jeff Kline. Eckert was cited by Patrolman Eric C. Sterner.Todd Dennis Dohner, 47, Mountain Road, Pine Grove, pleaded to making terroristic threats to school officials if they didn't change the color of school buses from yellow to red, was sentenced to serve one day to 23 months in the county prison and was released on parole. Dohner was cited by Chief Thomas James Trotter IV.Dallas Elsdon, 20, Cressona, pleaded to possession of drug paraphernalia and was sentenced to serve eight days to 12 months in the county prison and since he served the minimum was released on parole, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA, perform 15 hours community service, and make restitution of $113 to Bethlehem Regional Lab. Elsdon was cited by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force.Jamie Lee Gerber, 27, DeTurksville Road, Pine Grove Township, pleaded to DUI of alcohol and was placed in the IPP with 12 days under house arrest with electronic monitoring followed by four months and 45 days on strict probation, fined $1,000, pay $300 to SAE fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, $79.25 to Health Network Lab for restitution, attend safety school, receive outpatient treatment, perform 10 hours community service, and driver's license suspended 12 months. On a summary charge of driving an unregistered vehicle was fined $75 plus $50 costs.Amanda E. Hester (Buchspics), 31, Ashland, pleaded to two counts of retail theft from Wal-Mart Store in Saint Clair and was placed on probation for 24 months, pay $50 to CJEA, and make restitution of $92.76 to the store.On a charge of Pottsville City equipment from Overlook Park received a concurrent 12 months probation sentence. She was cited by Saint Clair and Pottsville police.Joseph Robert Holland, 32, Pottsville, pleaded to possession of drug paraphernalia when stopped in the unit block of Hollow Drive, Schuylkill Township, and was placed on probation 12 months, and pay $50 to CJEA. Holland was cited by Trooper Melissa A. Kyper.Jacqueline Marie Hollywood, 31, Pottsville, pleaded to charges of possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while license suspended, driving an unregistered car, and driving without an official inspection certificate. The court deferred sentence to Tuesday, Nov. 12. She was cited by Pottsville Patrolman Renee R. Galle.Kyle Humphrey, 26, Pine Grove, pleaded to simple assault and was placed on probation 23 months, pay $50 to CJEA, and perform 20 hours of community service. Humphrey was cited by Trooper James C. Nestico.Anthony Joseph Iacovitti, 41, Pottsville, pleaded to DUI of alcohol and was sentenced to serve 72 hours to six months on the county prison beginning Friday, Oct. 11 at 3 p.m., fined $1,000, pay $300 to SAE fund, $50 to Catastrophe fund, $60 to SMC, attend safety school, receive outpatient treatment, perform 10 hours community service, and driver's license suspended 12 months.On a summary charge of being involved in an accident with a parked vehicle in the 700 block on Terry Reiley Way, Pottsville, was fined $300 plus $50 costs. He was cited by Pottsville Patrolman Joseph R. Welsh.Jessica Lynn Johns, 29, Saint Clair, pleaded to theft by deception after becoming an online secret shopper at certain business places and obtained cash fraudulently from Cash and Trade Shop, Pottsville, was placed on probation 36 months, pay $50 to CJEA, and make restitution of $990 to the trade shop. Johns was cited by Cpl. Francis Lynagh.James Michael Mennig, 34, Pottsville, pleaded to possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia at his home and was placed on probation 12 months, pay $100 to SAE fund, $50 to CJEA, perform 10 hours community service, and make restitution of $239 to Bethlehem Regional Lab. Mennig was cited by Patrolman John H. Mohl.Each defendant sentenced to a county term must also pay a $50 per month supervision fee while on probation or parole.