Breast cancer awareness
A wave of pink moved through the streets of Lehighton on Tuesday night as more than 200 men, women and children wore the color as they took part in the eighth annual Pink Light Walk.
The walk was sponsored by Lehighton Area Lioness Lions Club and is held each year to bring attention to breast cancer, honor survivors and to encourage women to get an annual mammogram.This year's walk was dedicated to Linda Benner, who lost her life last Friday in a car crash in Jim Thorpe.Benner had put her heart into the event and was listed as one of the coordinators for this year's event.Leading the walk were Lehighton Girl Scouts. Taking part were Courtney VanFossen's Troop 3248; Pam Berger's Cadette Troop 3583 and Kathy Hosler's Ambassador Troop 3802.The walk to the Lehighton Amphitheater began at the Lehighton Recreation Center. As walkers approached the Third Street entrance, there was a message "RIP Linda" painted in pink letters on sidewalks in memory of Linda.Serving as master of ceremonies was Jane Longazel, a member of the club, and a 16-year breast cancer survivor.Longazel said that each month she did self-exams and that one month she found the lump."If I wouldn't have felt that lump, I might not be here today," she said.Keynote speaker was Angie Mimms of Milford, who is a two-year breast cancer survivor. Mimms is the immediate past District Governor of 14U.Mimms said that she thanks her husband for finding her lump. She said that she had calcifications in 2004 and faithfully underwent mammograms every six months until 2008 when she could no longer afford health insurance.When she found the lump in 2011, she instinctively knew the prognosis wouldn't be good."The radiologist called me in and told me I had stage 2 in my left breast," she said.She left the center, sat in her car and cried until her husband calmed her down."My husband is a man of few words, but he loved me every step of the way," she said.She was terrified because she had undergone cancer treatments 30 years ago and she feared the treatments from past experience.Her doctor offered her the opportunity to undergo trial treatments. Because of her experiences, she encouraged the women in front of her to take advantage of trial treatments if they are offered.She said that she tried to find humor in the process and tried to be upbeat because she did not want to scare her children.For example, when she researched breast reconstruction, she found a website that described using abdominal tissue for reconstruction and figured she'd get a tummy tuck.Her comments brought laughter from the crowd.She said that she had reconstruction at the same time she had the double mastectomy."I thought I wasn't a vain woman," she said. "But the hardest part for me was losing my hair."She said that anyone diagnosed with breast cancer should access the National Cancer Society for assistance with wigs, funds that help pay for gas, and for support. She said that there are side effects to having breast cancer. She said she has lymphoma and osteoporosis that she deals with every day."My cancer has made me stronger," she said.Following Mimms' talk, Longazel spoke about Benner."We lost a valuable member of the Lehighton Area Lioness Lions Club," she said. "This walk is dedicated to Linda Benner."Longazel said that Linda is still with the organization because she touched so many lives in some way."She's not gone," said Longazel. "She's still with us."As part of the program, breast cancer survivors were presented a flower on stage. Honored were: Ginger Outlaw, Audrey Redline, Angie Mimms, Gerry Andrews, Linda Hascher, Maryann Hazel, Carol Hill, Bonnie Warner, Eleanor Drumbore, Judy Veron, Beverly Solt, Louise Everett, Jean Reabold, Cleo Balliet and Anita Hausman.Following the program, the participants walked back to the Lehighton Recreation Center, where they were treated to light refreshments, raffle and vendors.Assisting with traffic control were Lehighton Fire Police. A Lehighton police cruiser led the participants on the walk.