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Panther Valley news

Preschool story hour

The Panther Valley Public Library, 117 E. Bertsch St., Lansford, offers a free, preschool story hour every Tuesday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Stories, snacks and activities are provided for the children.Golden AgersThe Sept. 9 meeting of the Panther Valley Golden Agers began with prayer followed with the Club Song led by Ruth Ann Feane. President Irene Hudasky conducted the meetingA report was given on the annual Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 1. Sign-ups are now being taken.The next meeting will be Monday, Sept. 23 at St. John Slovak Lutheran Church Social Hall beginning at 1 p.m.PSCA to meetThe next meeting of the Protestant Slovak Cemetery Association will be held on Sunday, Sept. 29 at 2 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Nesquehoning. Anyone with an interest in the cemetery is invited to attend.