Published September 18. 2013 05:00PM
Officers of the Lehighton American Legion Post 314 recently were installed. Installed were, front l-r, Manuel R. Muniz, parliamentarian; Mahlon W. Schaffer, assistant Sgt. at arms; Corneilius McHugh; Larry K. Heffley, first vice commander; Michell S. Nace, second vice commander; and Richard J. Fink, secretary, adjutant; back l-r, Floyd Brown, commander; William H. Gross, chaplain; Carlos Teets, assistant Sgt. at arms; William Fisher, assistant Sgt. at arms; Harry J. Wynn III, finance officer; Carl Haydt, assistant Sgt. at arms; Kenneth Repsher, historian; and David Bryfogle, assistant Sgt. at arms. Also installed were, William Schwab, judge advocate; Charles J. Weber Jr., service officer; and James L. Zanders, assistant Sgt. at arms.
Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS